

Green propolis, a specialty from Brazil

Brasil produces around 12 different types of propolis, but the most prominent is the green propolis, which has been considered of great value for health treatments. During the pollination process, bees find several substances to work in their hives. However, green propolis can only be obtained from wild rosemary or Baccharis dracunculifolia, a plant native […]


Competing for the shelves of the world, by Ligia Dutra

In 2020 two cotton sector entities, Abrapa and Anea, together with Apex-Brasil, set up a representation office in Singapore and consolidated an ambitious internationalization project. You may be asking yourself: if cotton is a commodity and the Brazilian product is essential to supply world demand, why would the private sector spend money and effort in […]


The inspiring story of the 91-year-old Brazilian beekeeper

“The bees are an example for us,” says Mr. Heriberto Silva, a 91-year-old beekeeper from Goiás, in central Brazil. He is one of many beekeepers who recently have been trained to increase the productivity of his hives and thus contribute to the environment preservation and the quality of Brazilian honey sold worldwide. Despite the hard […]


Former Brazilian Agriculture Minister nominated to this year Peace Nobel Prize

Alysson Paolinelli, an agronomist and former Minister of Agriculture, was responsible for the tropical agricultural revolution that transformed Brazil into a global food power. In January, Paolinelli officially became a Peace Nobel Prize Nominee, having received more than 100 letters of support from institutions from 28 countries. Until the 1970s, Brazil was a net importer […]


Brazil reaches fourth consecutive growth in agricultural exports

Brazil keeps increasing the country’s exports to feed the planet. In May 2021, sales of Brazilian agribusiness products abroad reached US$ 13.9 billion. Data from our trade balance show a growth of 53.8% in total foreign sales compared to the same month in 2020. The main product in our agribusiness export line was soybean, with […]


The Special Edition of AgriSustainability Matters

The Brazilian Embassy in London presents this special edition of “AgriSustainability Matters”, featuring an article by the Brazilian Minister of Agriculture, Ms. Tereza Cristina Corrêa da Costa Dia. The Minister discusses about the Brazilian public policy priorities in terms of sustainable agricultural technology, tackling land ownership and environmental issues, and much more in the article. […]


The Second Issue of the AgriSustainability Matters

The Brazilian Embassy in London presents the second issue of “AgriSustainability Matters”, in which Dr. Plinio Nastari discusses RenovaBio in the article “Brazil’s modern & innovative regulatory framework for sustainable mobility using biofuels”. To know more about this issue, check it out below


The First Issue of the AgriSustainability Matters

The Brazilian Embassy in London creates the “AgriSustainability Matters” Newsletter to bring insightful material from their best experts on the field about sustainable agriculture. The first issue presents an overview of Brazil’s sustainable agriculture and the challenges that the country faces as a reliable agricultural supplier. To know more about this initiative, check it out […]


Integration between livestock farming and food processing in Brazil

Did you know that the poultry, egg and pork industries in Brazil are based on family farming, and constitute an integrated production chain? The system provides stable income for farmers, high quality standards and complete traceability. If you want to do good business, with sustainability and environmental responsibility, Brazil is the right partner. Check it […]


Food safety in Brazil

Did you know that Brazil stands out for its sanitary standards in food safety, and that more than 180 countries rely on Brazilian food products? If you want to do good business, with sustainability and environmental responsibility, Brazil is the right partner. Check it out below.


Only 6% of the crop area in Brazil uses irrigation

Did you know that only 6% of the crop area in Brazil uses irrigation, which contributes to the preservation of water? If you want to do good business, with sustainability and environmental responsibility, Brazil is the right partner. Check it out below.


Brazil only uses 7.6% of its territory as croplands

Did you know that Brazil has the second largest area of preserved forests in the world? And that Brazil only uses 7.6% of its territory as croplands, preserving the environment? If you want to do good business, with sustainability and environmental responsibility, Brazil is the right partner. Check it out below.