
Producing up to ten times more vegetable oil per hectare than other crops, palm oil has gained increasing prominence on the world stage due to its versatility, whether in the food, cosmetics, hygiene, or biofuel industry.

News about Vegetables


Okra: a Brazilian cuisine’s favorite

Mucilaginous, gummy, slimy: these are all words used to describe the contents of the okra pod, which contains numerous small seeds in a gooey, sticky substance. It divides people’s opinions, but one thing is for sure: okra is rich in nutrients, has a low glycemic index, and high concentration of fibers. It contains the following […]



In Brazil, we call “vegetable” any short-cycled edible plant whose production is labor-intensive. This includes lettuce, cabbage, tubers, and roots like carrots. These cycles consider the period between planting and harvesting from 30 to 360 days. Most of them last approximately 90 days. The vegetable sector plays an important role in the challenge of feeding […]


In Brazil, certified palm oil production changes families’ lives

Producing up to ten times more vegetable oil per hectare than other crops, palm oil has gained increasing prominence on the world stage due to its versatility, whether in the food, cosmetics, hygiene, or biofuel industry. Palm oil production worldwide has grown by more than 300% in 20 years, with around 80% concentrated in two […]