

In China, Brazilian Farmers Continue to Strengthen Partnerships

Brazilian Farmers have just come back from one of the multiple prospective missions to China scheduled for the end of 2019. From October 17 to 25 the coordinator of International Relations, Camila Sande, participated in the technical mission organized by the Institute of Government Relations (Irelgov) to the Asian nation. The goal of the visit […]


CNA and Senar Announce the Winners of Brazil Artisan Chocolate Award

The Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA) and the National Rural Learning Service (Senar) announced on Wednesday (9) the three winners of the “Brazil Artisan Chocolate Prize”, during the 4th National Congress of Women in Agriculture, in São Paulo. The ones chosen by the public of the event were: 1st  place – Majucau, from […]


Brazilian Farmers promote an international business round table at Women in Agriculture Congress

The Brazilian Confederations of Agriculture and Livestock, CNA in Portuguese, promoted on Tuesday (8), during the 4th National Congress of Women in Agriculture, in São Paulo, the International Business Round table, a meeting between exporters of food and producers of specialty coffees and fruits. According to Thiago Masson, CNA’s International Relations advisor, the initiative is […]


Mission to the Middle East Brings Positive Results for Brazilian Agribusiness

On September 22, the mission led by the Minister of Agriculture of Brazil, Tereza Cristina, to the Middle East ended. The entourage visited four countries: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates. Along the way, new commercial partnerships and market opening for the imports of agricultural products from Brazil were announced. The final balance […]


More Brazilian agricultural products in Kuwait’s markets

The entourage led by the Minister of Agriculture of Brazil, Tereza Cristina, arrived in Kuwait on Wednesday (18) for a series of strategic meetings with government and food importers. Kuwait is one of the four countries visited by the Ministry of Agriculture’s mission to the Middle East. In 2018, Kuwait imported more than US$ 215 million […]


Brazilian Agriculture Seeks Business Opportunities in Egypt and Saudi Arabia

Ligia Dutra speaks at Brazil-Egypt Business Seminar in Cairo Brazilian Farmers began their participation in the official mission of the Ministry of Agriculture of Brazil to the Middle East in search of expanding the export agenda for agricultural products, food and beverages. Ligia Dutra, head of International Relations at the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock […]


Brazilian Farmers seek new trade opportunities in the Middle East and North Africa

        Representatives of the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA) participate in the official mission of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) to the Middle East and North Africa. The group will have meetings with strategic entrepreneurs and authorities in four countries: United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and […]


Foreign diplomats get immersed in Brazil’s agriculture in Bahia

Brazilian Farmers organized the sixth edition of the AgroBrazil Exchange Program. The project aims to bring foreign representatives and diplomats closer to the realities of rural Brazil. The group was made up of representatives from 10 foreign delegations: Algeria, Australia, Canada, Cuba, France, Indonesia, Germany, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam, which visited producers in the west […]


Brazilian Dairy Farmers Look Forward to Exporting to China

Brazilian award-winning craft cheese In November last year, Brazilian Farmers and Apex-Brasil coordinated a business prospect mission to Shanghai to promote fruits and dairy products in the enormous Chinese market. Eight months later (July 23), China officially announced the opening of its market for the imports of these Brazilian goods. Brazilian dairy farmers and exporters […]


Dairy Farmers Debate the Mercosur-European Union Trade Agreement

This Monday (22), Thiago Masson, International Relations advisor of the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA, in Portuguese), discussed the technical aspects of the Mercosur-European Union Association Agreement at the Dairy Commission of the Federation of Agriculture and Livestock of the State of Goiás (FAEG). Nearly 800 dairy farmers attended the whole day of […]


CNA and Australian research organization discuss technology solutions for agriculture

The Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA) and representatives of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) met on Thursday (18) in Brasilia to discuss technological solutions for the Brazilian agricultural sector. CSIRO is the Australian national research organization, which has over 5,000 researchers worldwide working on the development of innovative technologies for […]


Agriculture Vice-Ministers from BRICS Visit Brazilian Farmers

This July 17, representatives of the Ministries of Agriculture of the five BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) visited the headquarters of Brazilian Farmers and met with the president of the Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil (CNA), João Martins. The meeting is part of the preparatory agenda for the 9th […]


Brazilian Farmers highlight their adaptation commitment to climate change in Holland

Peer Learning Summit participants from Ghana, Saint Lucia, Rwanda, Morocco, Vietnam, Brazil, Colombia, Jamaica, Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Sierra Leone and Jordan. | Photo by Nap Global Network Brazilian Farmers were at the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network, held in Rotterdam, presenting the work carried out by the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA) and the […]