The next AgroBrazil exchange program takes place in Mato Grosso state


From March 28 to April 1, the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA) and the Mato Grosso State Federation of Agriculture and Livestock (FAMATO) will promote, in Mato Grosso, the 7th edition of the AgroBrazil Exchange Program.

During the program, which will last five days, representatives of 11 embassies in Brazil will learn about examples of sustainability in the Brazilian countryside. The group includes representatives from Australia, the European Union, Germany, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, and the United States. In this edition, the focus will be on the production of sugar, ethanol, cotton, fish farming, beef cattle, and grains.

Located in the Central-West (Midwest) region, Mato Grosso is the third largest Brazilian state by area (348,788 square miles) and leader in national grain production. The state also has the largest cattle herd in the country, reaching the mark of 30 animals in 2019. The group will take part in events and visit properties in Cuiabá, Campo Novo do Parecis, Campo Verde, and Sinop.

“AgroBrazil is important to show the world the high level of Brazilian agricultural production. The international community can closely learn about the production potential of our agribusiness, which is efficient, sustainable and has a great capacity to expand its international markets to keep on growing in coming years, producing and delivering the food that the world demands,” declared the Vice-President of International Relations at CNA, Gedeão Pereira.

The trip
The visits will begin at the FAMATO System headquarters in Cuiabá. The following day, participants will learn about the companies Coprodia and Etamil, as well as the Parecis SuperAgro Fair. The visits will continue at Fazenda Filadélfia and COOPERFIBRA, in Campo Verde. The last appointment will be at EMBRAPA Agrossilvipastoril in Sinop, where the group will attend presentations of research in Integrated Systems and Low Carbon Agriculture.

“It’s the opportunity we have to show our work and the development of agricultural production in the state. In addition, technical missions like this one contribute to strengthening the sector’s image to representatives of other countries that are also strategic for agriculture,” said the President of FAMATO, Norman Corral.

The AgroBrazil Exchange Program was created by CNA in April 2017, to bring Brazilian rural producers closer to foreign diplomats living in Brazil, thus promoting direct contact with agricultural production and strengthening the image of the national agribusiness with representatives of strategic countries.

“AgroBrazil is an opportunity for foreign diplomats to learn about Brazilian food production ‘in practice.’ In addition to the visits, they will be able to talk to producers and shape a real image of the Brazilian agricultural sector,” explains the Director of International Relations at CNA, Sueme Mori.

Previous editions of the program have already taken more than 25 diplomatic representations to visit places such as the São Francisco Valley (fruit growing), Mato Grosso do Sul (grain and beef cattle), Minas Gerais (coffee and dairy products), Pará (tropical fruits, palm, and buffaloes), Rio Grande do Sul (rice, grapes, and beef cattle) and Bahia (cotton, fruits, and livestock).