

Brazilian flower market reaches R$ 10.9 billion in 2021

Between 2020 and 2021, the Brazilian flower market grew by 15%, according to the Brazilian Institute of Floriculture (IBRAFLOR). The revenue was R$ 10.9 billion, compared to R$ 9.6 billion in the previous year. The three segments with the highest sales were decoration (R$ 3.2 billion), representing 30% of the revenue; self-service (R$ 2.2 billion); […]


Brazilian agricultural exports reach US$ 14 billion in September

Brazilian agribusiness continues on a positive growth trend. In September 2022, exports hit US$ 14 billion, representing a 38.4% increase compared to the same period in 2021. Year-to-date, the growth is 30.5%. These results represent a surplus of US$ 12.4 billion in our agricultural trade balance. In September, the main product in our agribusiness export […]


Northern Brazil cocoa grows with training for farmers

Pará, a state in the north of Brazil, has been the largest cocoa producer in the country for two years. According to the most recent survey by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the region produces more than 144,200 tons of cocoa in 149.7 hectares. The statistics show the cocoa sector’s importance for […]


Revisiting yerba mate, South America’s heritage

Almost 20 years ago, Ludmila Gallon took the National Rural Learning Service’s (SENAR) course about yerba mate and was delighted. It all happened after she moved to Ilópolis, a city known for the plant’s high level of production. Its name derives from “Ilex paraguariensis” (the scientific name of yerba mate), and “polis” (“city,” in Greek); […]


CNA joins trade mission to ASEAN’s countries

Last month, the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA) went on a trade mission to four countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Gedeão Pereira, CNA’s Vice-president of International Relations, and Sueme Mori, CNA’s Director of International Relations, represented Brazilian Farmers on visits that included Manila (Philippines), Jakarta (Indonesia), Singapore City (Singapore), […]


Arabs are attentive to Brazil, and it’s not because of football

The World Cup is coming! And, for the first time in history, the most important event in world football will be held in the Middle East. The host country is Qatar, a small nation on the Arabian Peninsula half the size of Sergipe (the smallest Brazilian state), and in terms of population, it does not […]


Brazilian agricultural exports reach US$ 14.8 billion in August

Brazilian agribusiness continues on a positive growth trend. In August 2022, exports hit US$ 14.8 billion, which represents a 35.9% increase compared to the same period in 2021. Year-to-date, the growth is 29.5%. These results mean a surplus of US$ 13.1 billion in our agricultural trade balance. In August, the main product in our agribusiness […]


Farofa: one of the most popular Brazilian dishes is conquering the world

Farofa is a typical Brazilian side dish. Its recipe can include many ingredients made with a base of manioc flour. Every family has its recipe from sauteed garlic to bananas, or maybe raisins for Christmas or lemon zest. For many Brazilians, the dish’s crunchiness tastes like home. Perhaps this is why farofa is spreading around […]


If you’re looking to try something new, cupuaçu is a great choice

As proof of the country’s rich biodiversity and culture, Brazilian fruit farming is based on three pillars of sustainability (environmental, economic, and social), preserving biodiversity, creating jobs, and promoting regional development. One of the most traditional Amazonian crops, cupuaçu is the perfect example and has been winning over the world due to its versatility. With […]


Brazilian farmers meet the Asian market in a trade mission in Singapore

Last week, Brazilian Farmers attended the Food and Hotel Asia (FHA 2022) fair, held in Singapore, as part of a trade mission to connect Brazilian producers with international buyers. Açaí, along with other delicious fruits, honey, Brazilian spirit cachaça, sugar, and many other products were presented to the international market. The mission aimed to promote […]


Innovative Brazilian Farmers are committed to blueberry cultivation

The entrepreneurship of Brazilian farmers has increased the production of a fruit that is still little known nationally, but that is on the tables of many people around the world. We are talking about blueberry (“mirtilo” in Brazil), a berry full of vitamins, which is typical of the Northern Hemisphere, but with adaptations, has been […]


Find out about the Amazon products that are grown sustainably

The Amazon is one of the greatest natural assets of Brazil and the world. The Amazon rainforest is rich in biodiversity and is crucial for Brazil to achieve climate neutrality, impacting the world. Preserving the Amazon biome and respecting its biodiversity also means valuing products aligned with forest conservation. Last month, APEX-Brasil (the Brazilian Exportation Promoting Agency) […]


EXPOINTER fair gathers thousands of Brazilian rural producers

At the beginning of September, Brazilian rural producers had the opportunity to meet at one of the largest Brazilian rural events, the 45th EXPOINTER, which was held in Esteio, Rio Grande do Sul state. According to its organization, more than 700 thousand people attended the fair, which had 11 thousand participants from more than 137 […]


12 Brazilian coffee Geographical Indications you should know about

Brazil has traditionally been the world’s largest producer and exporter of coffee; the country is also its second-largest consumer market. Coffee is the “Made in Brazil” product with the highest number of Geographical Indications (GIs) registered in the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI). This interesting aspect reflects not only the quality of coffee but also its special bond with […]