Tag: AgroBrazil



A trip is worth a thousand pictures

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a trip is worth a thousand pictures. This sentence reflects properly the feeling of a group of foreign diplomats who, at the invitation of the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA), spent four days learning about the agriculture and livestock sector in the Mato Grosso […]



Carmen Perez: the voice of animal welfare in Brazil

Brazilian rancher Carmen Perez is known as the spokesperson for animal welfare in Brazil. Since the age of 22, she has been raising calves on the Orvalho das Flores farm in Barra do Garças, Mato Grosso. For more than 13 years, she has dedicated her career to the research and dissemination of good practices in […]



Sueme Mori: “A Bridge to the Middle East”

In July last year, the United Arab Emirates’ National Meteorological Center released a video showing artificial rain, in Dubai, caused by a “cloud seeding” drone technology. The objective is to alleviate the heat that can reach up to 50 ºC (120 ºF) in the region. That is the result of years of research and many […]



The young Brazilian Farmers who are changing agribusiness with sustainability

The young Brazilian Farmers are leading the future changes in agribusiness. The Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA) recommended six representatives of the CNA Youth program to join other young leaders from around the world in a special forum within the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA). Two of them are preparing for […]



Singapore, here we go! Find out about our new office

The Brazilian Farmer’s presence is now more effective in Asia. This week, the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA) will officially begin its activities in a Singaporean office. It is the second Asian branch of CNA. Since 2020, the Brazilian farmers can also count on a Chinese representation through our office in Shanghai. Singapore […]



Exporting is not enough

One of my favorite things to do when I traveled in Brazil or abroad was to visit fairs, markets, and supermarkets, even before working with international trade and agribusiness, I find it fascinating to see different products and learn about the most varied food habits. Now that visiting retailers in foreign countries has become a […]



Agro.BR promotes Brazilian rural entrepreneurs’ international trade

Since October 2019, Agro.BR, a project developed by the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA) in partnership with the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (APEX), has been helping rural entrepreneurs who want to expand their presence in the international market. Consultants from all over the country have worked alongside more than 900 entrepreneurs […]



At annual press conference CNA assesses 2019 and forecasts for agriculture in 2020

Brasilia (04/12/2019) – The Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA) forecasts an increase in Gross Value of Agricultural Production (GVP), growth of agribusiness Gross Domestic Product (GDP), more private financing for the sector, more work and interest by producers in international trade. The estimates were presented on Wednesday, December 4th, during the annual press […]



Brazilian Farmers Celebrate the Opening of Chinese Market for Brazilian Melons

In Brazil, farmers and the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA) celebrated the opening of the Chinese market for Brazilian melon exports. The deal was announced Wednesday, after a bilateral meeting between President Jair Bolsonaro and China’s President Xi Jinping. The meeting took place in Brasilia, the capital of Brazil, during the XI Brics Summit. The […]



In China, Brazilian Farmers Continue to Strengthen Partnerships

Brazilian Farmers have just come back from one of the multiple prospective missions to China scheduled for the end of 2019. From October 17 to 25 the coordinator of International Relations, Camila Sande, participated in the technical mission organized by the Institute of Government Relations (Irelgov) to the Asian nation. The goal of the visit […]



More Brazilian agricultural products in Kuwait’s markets

The entourage led by the Minister of Agriculture of Brazil, Tereza Cristina, arrived in Kuwait on Wednesday (18) for a series of strategic meetings with government and food importers. Kuwait is one of the four countries visited by the Ministry of Agriculture’s mission to the Middle East. In 2018, Kuwait imported more than US$ 215 million […]



Brazilian Agriculture Seeks Business Opportunities in Egypt and Saudi Arabia

Ligia Dutra speaks at Brazil-Egypt Business Seminar in Cairo Brazilian Farmers began their participation in the official mission of the Ministry of Agriculture of Brazil to the Middle East in search of expanding the export agenda for agricultural products, food and beverages. Ligia Dutra, head of International Relations at the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock […]



Brazilian Farmers seek new trade opportunities in the Middle East and North Africa

        Representatives of the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA) participate in the official mission of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) to the Middle East and North Africa. The group will have meetings with strategic entrepreneurs and authorities in four countries: United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and […]