Tag: Brazilian fruits



Chilean market opens up for Brazilian papaya

Brazil has taken another step towards seeing the diversity of its fruits conquering the world. Chile, which already purchases our Tahiti lime, has officially opened its doors to papaya. The fruit is regarded as one of the best in the world, according to the Brazilian Association of Producers and Exporters of Fruit and Derivatives (ABRAFRUTAS), […]



Organic acerola farming changes the life of Brazilian farmers in Piauí

Dedication and persistence are real allies of SENAR‘s Technical and Managerial Assistance (ATeG) to make agricultural production succeed. This is the case of the farmers José Maria Portela and Maria Barbosa da Silva, from Parnaíba city, on the coast of the Piauí state in Northeastern Brazil. After 18 years of working in the field with […]



Innovative Brazilian Farmers are committed to blueberry cultivation

The entrepreneurship of Brazilian farmers has increased the production of a fruit that is still little known nationally, but that is on the tables of many people around the world. We are talking about blueberry (“mirtilo” in Brazil), a berry full of vitamins, which is typical of the Northern Hemisphere, but with adaptations, has been […]



Learn more about the diversity of Brazilian watermelons

Healthy and delicious, watermelon is a superfood that surprises and delights people. The health benefits go further than its juicy hydration. The fruit contains vitamin A and vitamin C. It is usually eaten raw, and its rind is sometimes preserved as a pickle. This succulent fruit and vine-like plant of the gourd family (Cucurbitaceae) is […]



Brazilian grapes are ready to conquer the world

With each passing day, Brazilian grapes are reaching new markets and gaining more and more appreciation worldwide. At a crop value of US$ 155.9 million in 2021, growers shipped more than 76.6 thousand tons of the fruit abroad, an increase of 55.6%. This continuous growth is due to the significant expansion process which began in […]



Innovation improves fruit production in central Brazil

Brazilian rural entrepreneurs are not afraid of innovation. Whilst some people may think that new ideas must come with expensive gadgets, sometimes the solutions to farm issues are quite simple. In Brazil, they come with proper training, creativity, and shared knowledge. This was the perfect mix to change the reality of some families in central […]



Learn more about acerola, the Brazilian queen of vitamin C

When you think about vitamin C, what first comes to your mind? Vitamin supplements? Citric fruits? Both answers are correct but in Brazil, the acerola fruit is one of the main references. To get the supply people need to boost their immune system, it is common to see acerola trees in Brazilian backyards. Acerola’s popularity […]



Cashew: a Brazilian tropical fruit that is much more than a nut

You may recognize the cashew as a delicious nut. However, for the Brazilian Farmers, this fruit can be so much more than that. The fruit consists of two parts: the fruit itself, popularly known as the nut (cashew nut); and its floral peduncle, which is a colorful pseudo- or accessory fruit. Native from Brazil, cashew […]



Jabuticaba: the sweet Brazilian flavor

Jabuticaba, also known as “Brazilian grape”, is originally from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Dark purple on the outside and white on the inside, this fruit has a sweet pulp and a sour kernel, which gives it a unique flavor. The berry is widely consumed throughout the country, but it is an illustrious unknown for many […]



Foreign diplomats get immersed in Brazil’s agriculture in Bahia

Brazilian Farmers organized the sixth edition of the AgroBrazil Exchange Program. The project aims to bring foreign representatives and diplomats closer to the realities of rural Brazil. The group was made up of representatives from 10 foreign delegations: Algeria, Australia, Canada, Cuba, France, Indonesia, Germany, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam, which visited producers in the west […]