Tag: agribusiness



Brazilian farmers and executives launch a new platform for cattle traceability

The Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA), the Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH), and the Carrefour Brazil Group launched on Tuesday (29) a tool to support the traceability of Brazilian cattle production, from calves to final consumers, with inclusion, transparency, and data protection. The idea is to offer technological solutions to fasten the implementation of […]



Brazilian agricultural exports reach US$ 10.5 billion in February

Brazilian agribusiness continues on a positive growth trend. In February, exports hit US$ 10.5 billion, which represents a 65.8% increase compared to the same period in 2021. This result means a surplus of US$ 9.3 billion in the agricultural trade balance. The main product in our agribusiness export line in that month was soybean, with […]



The next AgroBrazil exchange program takes place in Mato Grosso state

From March 28 to April 1, the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA) and the Mato Grosso State Federation of Agriculture and Livestock (FAMATO) will promote, in Mato Grosso, the 7th edition of the AgroBrazil Exchange Program. During the program, which will last five days, representatives of 11 embassies in Brazil will learn about […]



What young Brazilian leaders can teach us about sustainable land use

Two of the most promising young leaders of Brazilian agribusiness are contributing to the future of land use. Ana Carolina Zimmerman and Lucas Dierings were part of the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA), broadcast from Berlin, Germany, at the end of January. At the event, Ana and Lucas presented the statement: “Sustainable Land […]



Mango: 7 varieties of a tropical global passion

Brazilian fruit exports hit a historical record in 2021. The Brazilian farmers sent 1.2 million tons of fruit to the world. Among this impressive result, there is a global passion. Last year, mango was the Brazilian most exported fruit, with 272.5 thousand tons shipped worldwide. Brazilian mangoes are already famous for their flavor, texture, and […]



Agtechs seek sustainable solutions to rural issues

Initiatives that seek technological and sustainable solutions to rural issues are increasing in Brazil. Among the agribusiness startups, the agtechs that are beginning to gain prominence are Dioxd and VisionFarm. Both were selected by the Brazilian incubator Cyklo for its one-year acceleration program. Dioxd is the result of a school scientific initiation research that started […]



Containers, the Christmas gift

Many people may not even know the phrase, but surely have seen or been in a “ghost traffic jam.” Do you know that slow-down on a road with no apparent reason, when there is no sign of an obstacle ahead, a collision of vehicles, or roadwork? Sometimes, one simple wrong move of an inattentive or […]



Asia Beyond China

Whenever I hear about agribusiness trade with Asia, it is generally about trade with China. It is no coincidence that the country is called the Asian giant. The geopolitical weight and the growing Chinese demand for agricultural products draw more attention than the commercial opportunities that arise among its neighbors. China’s power of attraction is […]



The young Brazilian Farmers who are changing agribusiness with sustainability

The young Brazilian Farmers are leading the future changes in agribusiness. The Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA) recommended six representatives of the CNA Youth program to join other young leaders from around the world in a special forum within the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA). Two of them are preparing for […]



Brazilian AgTechs attract interest from around the world

Brazil has seen a boom of AgTechs — startups dedicated to finding technological solutions to agribusiness — in the past three years. In 2020, the country registered more than one new AgTech per day, according to a survey carried out by Radar AgTech, an initiative from the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA), in partnership with […]



Seminar on Food and Livestock China-Brazil is held in Rio de Janeiro

The Brazilian Agriculture and Livestock Confederation (CNA) participated in the Seminar on Food and Livestock China-Brazil, in Rio de Janeiro, on Friday (14). Pedro Pereira, CNA’s International Relations Advisor was one of the speakers. He presented the commercial relations of the Brazilian agricultural sector with China, its strengths and challenges. “Despite the many opportunities to […]