

How specialty coffees transform lives in Brazil

Brazilian coffee is already known throughout the world for its quality. Now, with new technologies and an increasingly demanding public, tradition reaches especially new generations. At the age of 14, Heloisa Vilete Magro is her parents’ great motivator in the production of specialty coffees. The dream and curiosity reached the whole family, even her 3-year […]


Brazil is responsible for 14 internationally awarded cheeses

Brazilian farmers are improving their techniques for making cheese. Last year, Brazilian cheeses won 14 medals at the World Cheese Awards, which took place in Spain. Two of those awards were gold medals: one went to Santa Catarina, in the South of Brazil, and the other went to Minas Gerais, in the Southeast. The Vale […]


Agtechs seek sustainable solutions to rural issues

Initiatives that seek technological and sustainable solutions to rural issues are increasing in Brazil. Among the agribusiness startups, the agtechs that are beginning to gain prominence are Dioxd and VisionFarm. Both were selected by the Brazilian incubator Cyklo for its one-year acceleration program. Dioxd is the result of a school scientific initiation research that started […]


Cashew: a Brazilian tropical fruit that is much more than a nut

You may recognize the cashew as a delicious nut. However, for the Brazilian Farmers, this fruit can be so much more than that. The fruit consists of two parts: the fruit itself, popularly known as the nut (cashew nut); and its floral peduncle, which is a colorful pseudo- or accessory fruit. Native from Brazil, cashew […]


Our customized training program

Brazil’s national Rural Learning Service (SENAR) develops and runs an extensive training program for Brazilian farmers focused on consistently improving and maintaining the highest standards of food quality. It embodies and extends environmentally friendly and low-carbon agricultural practices while considering the socio-economic development needs of rural areas. SENAR is a private entity linked to CNA […]


Jabuticaba: the sweet Brazilian flavor

Jabuticaba, also known as “Brazilian grape”, is originally from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Dark purple on the outside and white on the inside, this fruit has a sweet pulp and a sour kernel, which gives it a unique flavor. The berry is widely consumed throughout the country, but it is an illustrious unknown for many […]


Containers, the Christmas gift

Many people may not even know the phrase, but surely have seen or been in a “ghost traffic jam.” Do you know that slow-down on a road with no apparent reason, when there is no sign of an obstacle ahead, a collision of vehicles, or roadwork? Sometimes, one simple wrong move of an inattentive or […]


Brazilian scientists develop a natural pitaya-based colorant

Researchers at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) have developed a pitaya-based colorant – a clean, vegan, and healthy alternative to shades of red, violet, and pink. The product was developed from the Hylocereus polyrhizus variety, which has red skin and pulp. The colorant made from pitaya is a promising option for the use of […]


Technical assistance revolutionizes a family’s milk production

When they were about to give up their milk production, Nathalie de Souza Ferreira and Hemerson Haber Ferreira had a turnaround with the support of the Technical and Management Assistance Program (ATeG). Their small farm in Juiz de Fora, in the state of Minas Gerais in Southeast Brazil, had a production increase of around 350% […]


Coffee, cachaça, and adventure: a route through Minas Gerais

Tourists now have a chance to get to know Brazilian most precious treasures through a route filled with coffee, cachaça, adventure, and much more. In the heart of Minas Gerais, in Southeast Brazil, a group has been organizing a road trip combining family agriculture, tasting, sightseeing, and off-road tourism. In a four-day itinerary, the participants […]


Farofa: the cassava-based crispness is a global passion

Cassava, also known as manioc and yuca, is a Brazilian symbol. The tuberous root is native to South America and, for thousands of years, has been the foundation of our diet – firstly, among Indigenous peoples, and now its potential is crossing our borders. One of the world’s favorite ways to eat it is in […]


New app identifies and assesses cattle health by facial recognition

Researchers from the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA), Dairy Cattle, and the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF) recently announced the creation of an app that identifies cattle by face and is also able to assess their health status based on the database information collected by users. The software, called Happy Cow ID, uses […]


Asia Beyond China

Whenever I hear about agribusiness trade with Asia, it is generally about trade with China. It is no coincidence that the country is called the Asian giant. The geopolitical weight and the growing Chinese demand for agricultural products draw more attention than the commercial opportunities that arise among its neighbors. China’s power of attraction is […]


Initiatives facilitate the export of recently awarded Brazilian coffees

Brazil is the world’s largest producer of coffee and one of the main investors in technologies and improvements for the sector. Over the last 60 years, the country has reduced the area allocated to coffee by 52%, but increased its productivity by 451%, preserving the environment and generating income for producers and millions of jobs. […]