News about Made in Brazil


Okra: a Brazilian cuisine’s favorite

Mucilaginous, gummy, slimy: these are all words used to describe the contents of the okra pod, which contains numerous small seeds in a gooey, sticky substance. It divides people’s opinions, but one thing is for sure: okra is rich in nutrients, has a low glycemic index, and high concentration of fibers. It contains the following […]


Brazil awards the best alembic cachaças in the country

Cachaça is part of the Brazilian culture. The distilled spirit is internationally recognized for being the protagonist of caipirinha, but there are many other ways to consume it. Cachaça producers are widespread across the country working on different production and processing techniques. To value these producers, the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA) has […]


Baru nut, from the Brazilian Cerrado to the world

Baru or cumbaru (scientific name: Dipteryx alata) is the fruit of the baruzeiro, an imperious tree native to the Brazilian Cerrado. From its fruit comes the nut, full of good nutritional aspects. In fact, the baru nut has more nutrients than peanuts and most other nuts. Almost 30% of its weight is made up of […]


Farofa: one of the most popular Brazilian dishes is conquering the world

Farofa is a typical Brazilian side dish. Its recipe can include many ingredients made with a base of manioc flour. Every family has its recipe from sauteed garlic to bananas, or maybe raisins for Christmas or lemon zest. For many Brazilians, the dish’s crunchiness tastes like home. Perhaps this is why farofa is spreading around […]


If you’re looking to try something new, cupuaçu is a great choice

As proof of the country’s rich biodiversity and culture, Brazilian fruit farming is based on three pillars of sustainability (environmental, economic, and social), preserving biodiversity, creating jobs, and promoting regional development. One of the most traditional Amazonian crops, cupuaçu is the perfect example and has been winning over the world due to its versatility. With […]


Innovative Brazilian Farmers are committed to blueberry cultivation

The entrepreneurship of Brazilian farmers has increased the production of a fruit that is still little known nationally, but that is on the tables of many people around the world. We are talking about blueberry (“mirtilo” in Brazil), a berry full of vitamins, which is typical of the Northern Hemisphere, but with adaptations, has been […]


Find out about the Amazon products that are grown sustainably

The Amazon is one of the greatest natural assets of Brazil and the world. The Amazon rainforest is rich in biodiversity and is crucial for Brazil to achieve climate neutrality, impacting the world. Preserving the Amazon biome and respecting its biodiversity also means valuing products aligned with forest conservation. Last month, APEX-Brasil (the Brazilian Exportation Promoting Agency) […]


Brazilian coffee producers showcase their products in Italy

Last June, the Brazilian farmers were among coffee professionals from all over the world in Milan, Italy, for the World of Coffee event. It was the first edition since 2019, with a record 11 thousand attendees from over 137 countries and 350 exhibiting companies. Brazil took part in the event with more than 30 companies […]


Brazilian Farmers are investing in hop cultivation

Brazil is the third-largest beer producer in the world, behind only the USA and China. Despite this, the country imports almost 100% of the hops used in the production of the drink. But this scenario is changing, as more Brazilian farmers are investing in better-adapted species and the development of national ones. One of the […]


Farofa: the cassava-based crispness is a global passion

Cassava, also known as manioc and yuca, is a Brazilian symbol. The tuberous root is native to South America and, for thousands of years, has been the foundation of our diet – firstly, among Indigenous peoples, and now its potential is crossing our borders. One of the world’s favorite ways to eat it is in […]


A closer look at four of SENAR’s flagship training programmes

FARMER TRAINING A closer look at four of SENAR’sflagship training programmes Special programme ABC Cerrado Together with the agriculture ministry (MAPA) and Brazil’s agriculture research centre (Embrapa), Senar has developed the ABC Cerrado project to disseminate low-carbon farming practices and incentivise farmers and rural producers to invest in environmental preservation in the Cerrado, while receiving […]


Social & economic development

The sustainable growth of Brazilian agriculture is a key driver of the social and economic development of the country that has lifted 40m people into the middle class in the past 10 years and ensuring that the population has access to quality, reasonably-priced food. Indeed, food household consumption was the category that saw the single […]


Our sustainable low-carbon farming

Brazil is a world leader in developing and promoting sustainable farming practices across its agricultural sector. A major focus of Brazil’s approach to sustainable farming has been to do more with what we have, which we are achieving through the sustainable increase of productivity and yields, the regeneration and restoration of degraded pastures, and the […]


Our responsible livestock farming

Animal welfare, quality, and traceability are the basis of Brazilian livestock farming. These values are essential to the country’s economy and to the reliability of our meat, which is known worldwide. Brazil is currently one of the world’s leading exporters of meat products, and the biggest exporter of poultry and beef. We strictly apply the […]


Our unique tropical agriculture

Brazil has developed a unique concept of tropical agriculture. Forty-plus years of investment in research and development (R&D) led us to significant scientific and technological breakthroughs that allowed Brazilian farmers to produce food in harmony with local tropical conditions. Brazil is also a country with abundant natural resources of land, sunshine, and water; nevertheless, over […]