Tag: Brazilian agriculture



How Brazil can be the solution to increase fruit intake in the world

Have you ever thought that maybe you should be eating more fruit? It is well-known that fruit consumption is relevant to keep a healthy lifestyle. It guarantees significant nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Yet, some obstacles keep people from adding color to their diet. That is one of the reasons why the UN established […]



Exporting is not enough

One of my favorite things to do when I traveled in Brazil or abroad was to visit fairs, markets, and supermarkets, even before working with international trade and agribusiness, I find it fascinating to see different products and learn about the most varied food habits. Now that visiting retailers in foreign countries has become a […]



Brazilian black pepper conquers the world

Brazil has been spicing up the world with an ever-increasing export of black peppers. In 2021, the export volume surpassed 51,600 tons, and consistent growth in terms of value has also been reported. In June, for example, black pepper was a remarkable product in our trade balance data, with a value increase of 90.6% compared […]



Brazilian agricultural exports grow in July 2021 and surpass 2020 levels

Brazil increases its exports to feed the world. Year to date, exports have already reached US$ 72.7 billion, an increase of 19.9% compared to the same period in 2020. In July 2021, Brazilian agricultural exports reached US$ 11.3 billion. This result represented a US$ 10.1 billion surplus in the agribusiness trade balance. The main product […]



Former Brazilian Agriculture Minister nominated to this year Peace Nobel Prize

Alysson Paolinelli, an agronomist and former Minister of Agriculture, was responsible for the tropical agricultural revolution that transformed Brazil into a global food power. In January, Paolinelli officially became a Peace Nobel Prize Nominee, having received more than 100 letters of support from institutions from 28 countries. Until the 1970s, Brazil was a net importer […]




By Mário Von Zuben Mario is an agronomist from the University of Sao Paulo’s Superior College of Agriculture “Luiz de Queiroz” (Esalq/USP), graduate in Strategic Business Management from the University of Calgary, Canada, and Executive Director of the National Association of Plant Protection (Andef). Translated by: Pedro Henriques Pereira IMPORTANT: The views expressed within this […]



Brazilian Farmers Hosts Debate of Women Acting in International Trade

The panel was promoted by Women Inside Trade (WIT) Women Inside Trade (WIT), a discussion forum for women engaged in international trade, promoted the panel “Trade Opening and New Perspectives for International Insertion in Brazil” at the Brazilian farmers’ home in Brasilia. The meeting, which takes place in the week of International Women’s Day, focused […]