Tag: Brazilian agriculture



Sueme Mori: “A Bridge to the Middle East”

In July last year, the United Arab Emirates’ National Meteorological Center released a video showing artificial rain, in Dubai, caused by a “cloud seeding” drone technology. The objective is to alleviate the heat that can reach up to 50 ºC (120 ºF) in the region. That is the result of years of research and many […]



Brazilian farmer is elected executive director of the ICO

Vanusia Nogueira is now the first woman to lead the International Coffee Organization (ICO). The decision was made by the organization’s member countries on February 9 and 10, 2022. Nogueira will replace José Dauster Sette, who is also Brazilian and had held the position since 2017. The ICO is the main intergovernmental body for the […]



What young Brazilian leaders can teach us about sustainable land use

Two of the most promising young leaders of Brazilian agribusiness are contributing to the future of land use. Ana Carolina Zimmerman and Lucas Dierings were part of the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA), broadcast from Berlin, Germany, at the end of January. At the event, Ana and Lucas presented the statement: “Sustainable Land […]



Brazilian agricultural exports hit record in 2021

Brazil increases its exports to feed the world. In 2021, exports hit the historical record of US$ 120.6 billion, an amount higher than Ecuador’s GDP. The figure represents an increase of 19.7% compared to 2020. This result means a surplus of US$ 105.1 billion in the agribusiness trade balance. In December 2021, agricultural exports reached […]



How specialty coffees transform lives in Brazil

Brazilian coffee is already known throughout the world for its quality. Now, with new technologies and an increasingly demanding public, tradition reaches especially new generations. At the age of 14, Heloisa Vilete Magro is her parents’ great motivator in the production of specialty coffees. The dream and curiosity reached the whole family, even her 3-year […]



Cashew: a Brazilian tropical fruit that is much more than a nut

You may recognize the cashew as a delicious nut. However, for the Brazilian Farmers, this fruit can be so much more than that. The fruit consists of two parts: the fruit itself, popularly known as the nut (cashew nut); and its floral peduncle, which is a colorful pseudo- or accessory fruit. Native from Brazil, cashew […]



Our customized training program

Brazil’s national Rural Learning Service (SENAR) develops and runs an extensive training program for Brazilian farmers focused on consistently improving and maintaining the highest standards of food quality. It embodies and extends environmentally friendly and low-carbon agricultural practices while considering the socio-economic development needs of rural areas. SENAR is a private entity linked to CNA […]




In Brazil, since the 1970s pig production has been transformed from a backyard activity to an advanced and integrated production chain. Investments in new production systems, technology, and professional qualification have made the country the fourth-largest producer of pork in the world, supplying 4.4m tonnes of high-quality meat (2020), a fifth of which is exported […]



Containers, the Christmas gift

Many people may not even know the phrase, but surely have seen or been in a “ghost traffic jam.” Do you know that slow-down on a road with no apparent reason, when there is no sign of an obstacle ahead, a collision of vehicles, or roadwork? Sometimes, one simple wrong move of an inattentive or […]



Technical assistance revolutionizes a family’s milk production

When they were about to give up their milk production, Nathalie de Souza Ferreira and Hemerson Haber Ferreira had a turnaround with the support of the Technical and Management Assistance Program (ATeG). Their small farm in Juiz de Fora, in the state of Minas Gerais in Southeast Brazil, had a production increase of around 350% […]



Asia Beyond China

Whenever I hear about agribusiness trade with Asia, it is generally about trade with China. It is no coincidence that the country is called the Asian giant. The geopolitical weight and the growing Chinese demand for agricultural products draw more attention than the commercial opportunities that arise among its neighbors. China’s power of attraction is […]



Let’s talk about the ESG trend

In 1987, a commission headed by a doctor published one of the most impactful texts of our time: the “Our Common Future” report alerted the world to the severe consequences of the planet’s environmental and social problems. Since then, corporations have tried to understand their role within a long-term development model. Managing innovations trends reached […]



What is crop traceability and how it guarantees Brazilian food quality

Transparency in the supply chain is one of the principles of Brazilian agriculture. That is why practices such as traceability of fruits and vegetables are so important, both for the domestic market and for export products. Crop traceability is the monitoring of food from the farms to the supermarket shelves, passing through distributors and wholesalers, […]



7 kinds of Brazilian avocado you should know about

Brazil is one of the largest producers of avocados in the world. The fruit is gaining popularity for its nutritional properties and great taste, but there is still much to be discovered about it internationally. The most popular avocado in the world is the Hass species. It is responsible for popular preparations such as guacamole […]