Exports of Brazilian agricultural products increase in the first half of 2021


The world keeps tasting Brazilian agriculture. In the first semester of 2021, sector exports reached US$ 61.5 billion, an increase of 20.8% compared to the same period in 2020. In June 2021, Brazilian exports of agribusiness products grew 25.0% compared to the same month in 2020.

The main product in our agribusiness export line in June 2021 was soybean, with a share of 43.8% and US$ 5.3 billion worth, which represents an increase of 23.4% compared to the same period in 2020. The second most important exportation product was raw sugar cane, with an increase of 30.1% compared to June 2020 and US$ 821.9 million worth. 

When it comes to the most significant increases, plywood stands out (+291.3%), with export sales rising from US$ 37.5 million in 2020 to US$ 146.9 million in 2021. Cotton, not carded or combed, is also an important product in our export line, having an increase from US$ 88.7 million in June 2020 to US$ 177 million this year (+185%). Also, fresh chicken meat showed a 46.3% increase in its export value.

Our main export destination in June 2021 was China, with a share of 38.7%, followed by the European Union (15.7%) and the United States (6.1%). Other countries also had a remarkable participation: Thailand (2.7%), Turkey (2.3%), South Korea (2.1%), Mexico (1.9%), Taiwan (1.7%), Iran (1.6%), and Bangladesh (1.5%).

Graphic shows trade balance on agriculture on June 2021

Some destination countries showed a significant performance in June 2021 compared to June 2020. Among those, it is worth mentioning Taiwan (+131.9%) and Mexico (+117.2%). When considering the first semester of 2021, the strongest positive variation in comparison to the same period in 2020 occurred in exports to Iran (+154.8%), followed by Mexico (+51.0%) and Thailand (+37.1%), all with significant increases in soybean purchases (+US$ 181 mi, +US$ 171.8 mi, and +US$ 192.4 mi, respectively).

All our trade balance data and charts are available on this link (in Portuguese).

Graphic shows the main products on Brazilian exports line

Positive scenario in Brazilian agribusiness

The consecutive growth in Brazilian agricultural exports is represented in our last report on the Gross Production Value (GPV). The Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA) estimates that agriculture GPV will reach R$ 1.227 trillion by the end of 2021. This projection is based on reports and data from June 2021.

The projection shows an increase of 11.9% compared to 2020. Soybean and corn remain the main products responsible for the good results. The GPV projection of livestock farming  for 2021 is 8.6% higher than last year’s result, reaching R$ 421 billion. Cattle meat alone is responsible for more than 50% of the VBP of livestock farming. In 2021, the estimated production is 10.4 million tons, 5.4% more than in the previous year (9.9 million tons).