Author: Thais.cunha



A sustainable superfood: learn more about the aroeira blossom honey

When you choose honey to buy in the supermarket, what aspects do you consider? Color? Texture? For a long time, the aroeira blossom honey did not fit aesthetic patterns to gain the world’s shelves. Today, as food and nutrition research evolves, more people are familiar with the health properties of this superfood. Typical of north […]



Brazilian farmers and executives launch a new platform for cattle traceability

The Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA), the Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH), and the Carrefour Brazil Group launched on Tuesday (29) a tool to support the traceability of Brazilian cattle production, from calves to final consumers, with inclusion, transparency, and data protection. The idea is to offer technological solutions to fasten the implementation of […]



Brazilian agricultural exports reach US$ 10.5 billion in February

Brazilian agribusiness continues on a positive growth trend. In February, exports hit US$ 10.5 billion, which represents a 65.8% increase compared to the same period in 2021. This result means a surplus of US$ 9.3 billion in the agricultural trade balance. The main product in our agribusiness export line in that month was soybean, with […]



Sueme Mori: “The importance of the export mindset”

In 2021, not counting individual micro-entrepreneurs, Brazil ended the year with just over 8 million active companies. Of those, only 31 thousand are exporters. One of the reasons to explain this number is the lack of export mindset in the country. The phrase export mindset is related to the degree of openness, tradition, and closeness […]



Innovation improves fruit production in central Brazil

Brazilian rural entrepreneurs are not afraid of innovation. Whilst some people may think that new ideas must come with expensive gadgets, sometimes the solutions to farm issues are quite simple. In Brazil, they come with proper training, creativity, and shared knowledge. This was the perfect mix to change the reality of some families in central […]



Learn more about acerola, the Brazilian queen of vitamin C

When you think about vitamin C, what first comes to your mind? Vitamin supplements? Citric fruits? Both answers are correct but in Brazil, the acerola fruit is one of the main references. To get the supply people need to boost their immune system, it is common to see acerola trees in Brazilian backyards. Acerola’s popularity […]



Brazilian Farmers visit Dubai to expand business with the Arab world

A group of representatives from ten Brazilian rural companies spent one week in Dubai (UAE) on a mission to expand their business and bring Brazilian food to strategic destinations. The delegation gathers producers of coffee, breakfast cereals, cocoa nibs, chocolate, cassava flour, açaí powder, cassava starch, and other starch products. In the program, supported by […]



Emirates, here we come: everything there is to know about our new office

The Brazilian Farmers are now even more present in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). On February 13th, the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA) launched a new business office in Dubai, UAE. The idea is to support farmers and rural entrepreneurs in promotion, business intelligence, and networking with strategic partners not only in the […]



What young Brazilian leaders can teach us about sustainable land use

Two of the most promising young leaders of Brazilian agribusiness are contributing to the future of land use. Ana Carolina Zimmerman and Lucas Dierings were part of the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA), broadcast from Berlin, Germany, at the end of January. At the event, Ana and Lucas presented the statement: “Sustainable Land […]



Mango: 7 varieties of a tropical global passion

Brazilian fruit exports hit a historical record in 2021. The Brazilian farmers sent 1.2 million tons of fruit to the world. Among this impressive result, there is a global passion. Last year, mango was the Brazilian most exported fruit, with 272.5 thousand tons shipped worldwide. Brazilian mangoes are already famous for their flavor, texture, and […]



Superfood from South America, the versatility of buriti goes beyond cooking

Richer in beta-carotene than carrots, and a great source of vitamins A, B, and C, proteins, iron, calcium, potassium, and carbohydrates, buriti is a superfood. Native from South America, it is common in the Brazilian Cerrado, Pantanal, and Amazon regions. Its fruit’s hard skin is a natural protection against predators and prevents the entry and […]



Brazilian agricultural exports hit record in 2021

Brazil increases its exports to feed the world. In 2021, exports hit the historical record of US$ 120.6 billion, an amount higher than Ecuador’s GDP. The figure represents an increase of 19.7% compared to 2020. This result means a surplus of US$ 105.1 billion in the agribusiness trade balance. In December 2021, agricultural exports reached […]



How specialty coffees transform lives in Brazil

Brazilian coffee is already known throughout the world for its quality. Now, with new technologies and an increasingly demanding public, tradition reaches especially new generations. At the age of 14, Heloisa Vilete Magro is her parents’ great motivator in the production of specialty coffees. The dream and curiosity reached the whole family, even her 3-year […]