Brazilian rice fills plates from over 100 countries


Brazil is the largest producer and consumer of rice outside Asia. Along with beans, rice is part of the basic Brazilian diet. According to data from the Brazilian Association of the Rice Industry (ABIARROZ), in the last three decades, there was a 40% reduction in the area cultivated with rice in the country, while the production increased 30% due to yield improvement.

The expansion in productivity is also due to crop rotation with soybeans or pastures, favoring sustainable production without needing additional agricultural land.

Food security
Brazil has encompassing legislation for the manufacture, sale, and use of pesticides that guarantee the cereal meets all demands of consumers and regulatory bodies from the country and abroad.

Rice plays a relevant role in food, social, and nutritional security. Nowadays, more than 100 countries have Brazilian rice on their tables. Producers offer a wide variety, such as long-corn, non-sticky post-cooking grains, red pericarp grains, black, aromatic rice, as well as rice for Italian and Japanese cuisines.

It is estimated that Brazil consumes over 11 million tons of rice every year.