Tag: Middle East



The new geopolitics of international agricultural trade

What do the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia have in common? Undoubtedly, they have a concern with ensuring food safety. This was one of the findings of a mission carried out by the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA) to these countries. For three weeks, it was possible to […]



Arabs are attentive to Brazil, and it’s not because of football

The World Cup is coming! And, for the first time in history, the most important event in world football will be held in the Middle East. The host country is Qatar, a small nation on the Arabian Peninsula half the size of Sergipe (the smallest Brazilian state), and in terms of population, it does not […]



Brazilian Agriculture Seeks Business Opportunities in Egypt and Saudi Arabia

Ligia Dutra speaks at Brazil-Egypt Business Seminar in Cairo Brazilian Farmers began their participation in the official mission of the Ministry of Agriculture of Brazil to the Middle East in search of expanding the export agenda for agricultural products, food and beverages. Ligia Dutra, head of International Relations at the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock […]