Tag: fruits with vitamin c



Learn more about acerola, the Brazilian queen of vitamin C

When you think about vitamin C, what first comes to your mind? Vitamin supplements? Citric fruits? Both answers are correct but in Brazil, the acerola fruit is one of the main references. To get the supply people need to boost their immune system, it is common to see acerola trees in Brazilian backyards. Acerola’s popularity […]



Cashew: a Brazilian tropical fruit that is much more than a nut

You may recognize the cashew as a delicious nut. However, for the Brazilian Farmers, this fruit can be so much more than that. The fruit consists of two parts: the fruit itself, popularly known as the nut (cashew nut); and its floral peduncle, which is a colorful pseudo- or accessory fruit. Native from Brazil, cashew […]