Tag: brazilian beekeeping



13 types of Brazilian honey (and why you should taste them)

Brazil is a large enough country to host different biomes, climates, and temperatures. This factor alone could explain the diversity in the food we can produce. But when it comes to honey, there is more to find out. As an organized form of honey extraction and production, beekeeping began in Brazil with the hives brought […]




The diversity of the Brazilian vegetation is a crucial factor for the development of beekeeping in the country, which today is present in all its biomes and is responsible for supplying around 90% of the organic honey in the world. Honey, nectar, wax, royal jelly, propolis, pollen, and apitoxin are the main products of beekeeping. […]



The inspiring story of the 91-year-old Brazilian beekeeper

“The bees are an example for us,” says Mr. Heriberto Silva, a 91-year-old beekeeper from Goiás, in central Brazil. He is one of many beekeepers who recently have been trained to increase the productivity of his hives and thus contribute to the environment preservation and the quality of Brazilian honey sold worldwide. Despite the hard […]