Tag: agritourism



Cheese producer highlights SENAR courses in her path to success

In 2015, Luiz and Vera Lucia de Lima decided to raise Jersey cattle at Estância Rio Branco in Nova Castilho, São Paulo state. Right in the beginning, they were advised by a consultant that they needed to add value to the milk they produced. Vera says that they decided to take on the challenge and […]



Coffee, cachaça, and adventure: a route through Minas Gerais

Tourists now have a chance to get to know Brazilian most precious treasures through a route filled with coffee, cachaça, adventure, and much more. In the heart of Minas Gerais, in Southeast Brazil, a group has been organizing a road trip combining family agriculture, tasting, sightseeing, and off-road tourism. In a four-day itinerary, the participants […]