Brazilian researchers have developed the country’s first automated digital permeameter, a device that measures the soil’s hydraulic conductivity and its ability to absorb and retain water. Named SoloFlux, the device was created through a partnership between EMBRAPA Solos and the private company Laborsolo.
The technology enables real-time data collection, making soil permeability analysis more accurate and efficient. The information generated by SoloFlux can assist decision-making in several agricultural practices, such as irrigation management, soil conservation, and land-use planning. The evaluation of hydraulic conductivity is a crucial factor for understanding water dynamics in the soil, directly impacting agricultural productivity and environmental preservation.
SoloFlux automatically measures the water infiltration rate, thus reducing human interference in the process. The equipment generates detailed reports that can be used to optimize the use of agricultural inputs and minimize nutrient losses due to leaching. Additionally, the tool can support drainage system planning, preventing erosion and promoting better soil conservation.
With this innovation, researchers and producers can have more accurate information on soil permeability across different regions and climatic conditions. The equipment can be used for several crops and soil types, providing essential data for more sustainable agricultural practices.
SoloFlux represents progress in how soil permeability is analyzed, providing strategic information for the agricultural sector. The initiative reinforces the importance of developing technologies to improve the efficiency of using natural resources, enabling more effective and sustainable agricultural planning.