SENAR’s training program assists Brazilian female farmers


Knowledge is essential for the success of women in any area. In Brazil, women’s participation in the countryside economic sectors has been consolidating over the years, as have their leadership roles. In this sense, the work of Brazil’s National Rural Learning Service (SENAR) is of great importance, developing autonomy and bringing women closer to economic activities in the countryside.

The entity offers extensive training programs for Brazilian farmers to improve food quality and promote environmentally friendly and low-carbon agricultural practices. Providing training and technical assistance to female farmers helps to create more sustainable, equitable, and prosperous rural communities, where women play critical roles in driving economic growth and development.

Luana Frossard is the National Project Implementation Coordinator at SENAR. Her work is an inspiring example of how we can support and encourage women to lead in traditionally male-dominated fields. “Women are present in all areas of the entity, including as field technicians, supervisors, and project coordinators,” she explains.

Luana highlights that Technical and Managerial Assistance (ATeG) develops autonomy for all producers, allowing them to manage their economic activities, and has a relevant role for female farmers. “In Brazil, there are more than 200 thousand rural properties assisted by SENAR in 26 states, with a significant number of women in leadership functions, responding to their property and leading their families,” she says. Luana highlights that SENAR’s programs help women develop the necessary skills and knowledge to manage and expand their businesses, promoting gender equity and contributing to the sustainable development of rural areas.

She notes that the situation is much different from ten years ago when she started working with ATeG. “Today, many women hold prominent positions and are crucial spokespeople for the sector,” she says. Luana acknowledges Tereza Cristina, former Brazilian Minister of Agriculture who began her career as a superintendent at SENAR in the Mato Grosso state, as a trailblazer for women in the field. “Role models are very important to engage other women to invest in a career within the farming industry.”

As a zootechnician with more than 11 years of experience, Luana’s own career has been devoted to improving the lives of rural communities. She initially faced resistance but persisted as she was passionate about her profession. Today, Luana sees that many producers prefer to be guided by women, and she is proud to be part of an entity that empowers women to be leaders in the agricultural sector.