Brazilian Farmers at COP 28: Facts about Brazilian Agriculture


In Dubai (United Arab Emirates), the world currently witnesses a landmark event, the 28th Conference of the Parties. The 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference, commonly known as COP28, is being held until December 12, 2023, at the Expo City, Dubai. Against the backdrop of this futuristic city, COP 28 is set to be the 28th chapter in the ongoing global narrative of climate change discussions. This international symposium captures the urgency and significance of collaborative climate action. It’s not merely a conference – it’s a collective commitment to steering the planet toward a sustainable future.

5 Facts about Brazilian Agriculture and Livestock Sustainability
The Brazilian agricultural landscape is based on a pioneering commitment to sustainable practices, where harmony between productivity and environmental preservation takes center stage. Undertaking a journey toward a greener future, the Brazilian agricultural sector illustrates a deep devotion to responsible land management. Here are five key facets that demonstrate Brazil’s dedication to sustainable practices:

1. Preserved Native Vegetation
The sprawling expanse of the Brazilian territory boasts native vegetation covering 66% of it, with a notable 33% nestled within private properties. This percentage triumph goes beyond statistics, embodying Brazil’s deep commitment to environmental preservation. It’s not just about the numbers – it’s a deliberate effort to safeguard biodiversity and maintain environmental equilibrium, painting a vivid picture of the nation’s ecological consciousness.

2. Preservation Plans in Agriculture
The agricultural narrative is shaped by the transformative ABC (Low Carbon Agriculture) Program, which, between 2010 and 2018, successfully curtailed the emission of 193.63 million tons of CO2 equivalent across 54 million hectares. Looking ahead to 2030, the ABC+ Program broadens this commitment, aspiring to mitigate the emission of a staggering 1.1 billion tons of CO2 equivalent. Beyond technological innovation, these programs display Brazil’s aspiration to be a global leader in sustainable agriculture, underscoring the nation’s readiness to embrace a future rooted in eco-conscious practices.

3. Role in NDCs
The Brazilian agricultural sector plays a pivotal role in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement, positioning itself as a linchpin in global climate action. This isn’t just a regional commitment – it’s Brazil leaving its mark on the global stage. By integrating sustainability goals into its national climate commitments, Brazil is aligned with global efforts to fight climate change, setting itself as a key player in the collective actions for environmental resilience.

4. Rural Environmental Registry (CAR)
The Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) stands as a beacon of all-encompassing monitoring and environmental planning. This digital public register functions as a vital database for fighting deforestation, showcasing Brazil’s devotion to responsible land management. Through CAR, the country asserts transparency and accountability in land-use practices, reinforcing its commitment to sustainable resource management.

5. Environmental Regularization Program (PRA)
Designed for rural landowners, the Environmental Regularization Program (PRA) is a set of actions aimed at achieving the eventual environmental regularization of rural properties. This program illustrates proactive environmental stewardship, encouraging landowners to take part in the broader mission of sustainable land management. By encouraging responsible practices, the PRA contributes to the overarching goal of creating a harmonious coexistence of agriculture and environmental preservation.

CNA’s Position Paper
In the spotlight of COP 28, the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA) already showed its commitment to sustainability with a compelling Position Paper unveiled on October 25. At the time, João Martins, CNA’s President, delivered a clear message to negotiators and the Brazilian government, asserting that agriculture and livestock are pivotal to ensuring global food and energy.
“We are committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and fostering agricultural efficiency through innovation, science, and sustainability. Our actions seek recognition and incentives befitting Brazilian agriculture’s greatness,” emphasized Martins.
Prepared exclusively for COP 28, the paper coordinates the views of farmers nationwide, alongside state agricultural federations and rural unions. It’s more than a document – it’s a tool to empower Brazil’s role in ensuring global food, energy, and climate security.
The Brazilian government is in synergy with CNA’s position and this united front means Brazil’s commitment to responsible, sustainable agriculture, promising meaningful debates and impactful decisions at COP 28.

8 points advocated by CNA within COP’s central themes

1. Assessment of progress on climate action (Global Stocktake)
‌CNA believes that COP 28 marks a critical moment in the Paris Agreement implementation. It will be the time to consolidate the first global assessment of countries’ efforts to limit the temperature increase to a maximum of 1.5°C through NDCs. This process will guide the NDCs’ revision and updating.

2. The Sharm el-Sheikh Climate Action Group
‌Faced with the impacts that global warming could have on agriculture and on achieving global food security, CNA emphasizes the need to always address agriculture based on a mitigation, adaptation, and co-benefits approach, without neglecting the reduction of emissions.

3. Carbon market
‌The aim is to promote and make bilateral or multilateral agreements between countries for the trading of emission reductions or removals, known as International Transfers of Mitigation Outcomes (ITMOs); and to define how agricultural, forestry, and land use activities will contribute to the NDCs by becoming eligible for the carbon market.

4. New quantified global funding target
‌Developed countries must provide resources to foster the development of others. The pledged US$ 100 billion has not been allocated, undermining implementation efforts and increasing the cost of achieving the goals set by the Paris Agreement. A new qualified target must be set, exponentially increasing these investments to meet the climate emergency.

5. Adaptation mechanisms
‌In this area, it is worth highlighting agriculture and the impacts that global warming could have on food production, renewable energies, and biomass. Including the agriculture sector in national adaptation plans and policies will be crucial. In addition, climate finance must be strengthened to provide opportunities for adapting production systems.

6. Transparency
‌Strengthening the capacity to draw up detailed inventories that allow the capture of consistent data on emission reductions and carbon removal in tropical agriculture is a challenge inherent to the potential for improving carbon balances in Brazilian agriculture.

7. Agriculture and food security
‌As a leading agricultural-producing country with low-carbon and resilient agricultural strategies, Brazil is naturally involved in discussions about food systems and how to promote their transition.

8. The Global Methane Commitment
‌Make it clear how Brazil will propose its roadmap in the context of the Commitment which needs to include methane emissions from fossil production and waste, as well as livestock.

Learn more facts about Brazilian Agriculture and Livestock Sustainability at:

– Sustainability in Braziian Agriculture 
Meet Brazilian Agribuiness
– CNA Position Paper for COP 28 (in Portuguese).