Brazilian 2022-2023 apple harvest promises even sweeter and more flavorful fruits


The Brazilian apple harvest of 2022-2023 is making producers and industry leaders optimistic, with the fruits boasting an exceptionally sweet and distinctive flavor. Favorable climatic conditions and careful farming practices have resulted in an apple crop set to delight consumers worldwide.

Brazilian apples—known for its unparalleled sweetness and tropical influence—are highly appreciated and exported to more than 40 countries, solidifying Brazil’s position as a significant global supplier of this beloved fruit.

Brazilian apples, especially the Gala and Fuji varieties, are renowned for their intense red color and sweet taste, traits that appeal to both Brazilian and international consumers. Over 95% of Brazilian apple production consists of these varieties, distinguished by their higher brix concentration, providing them with a unique and special flavor.

Moisés Lopes de Albuquerque, Executive Director of the Brazilian Apple Producers Association (ABPM), emphasizes that the tropical influence in the temperate areas of Southern Brazil is a crucial factor in the exceptional flavor of Brazilian apples. “The final period of fruit development until harvest had little rainfall, which accentuated the brix and crispness of the fruits, making them even more flavorful,” he explains.

The 2022-2023 harvest benefited from ideal climatic conditions. The Brazilian Southern Region had wide thermal amplitude, with variations of intense heat and cold, followed by a dry period during the harvest, which takes place between January and May. This scenario led to a higher concentration of natural sugars in the fruits, resulting in even sweeter and more flavorful apples. The conclusion of the harvest before the rainy season was essential in ensuring the product’s quality, maintaining its crispness and typical taste.

Highlighted exports

Brazilian apples have a prominent presence in international markets. In 2023, exports remained stable, reaching approximately 35 thousand tons. India and Bangladesh stand out as the main destinations, followed by countries in the European Union, the United Kingdom, and the Middle East. The states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina are the leaders in exports, accounting for nearly all of the exported volume in 2023.

Based on the exceptional quality of the 2022-2023 harvest, the demand for Brazilian apples in the international market is expected to remain robust in 2023 and beyond. The capacity for cold storage in agro-industrial complexes ensures a consistent and continuous supply all year, allowing international buyers to enjoy high-quality Brazilian apples throughout the season.