

Chinese Ambassador and Brazilian Farmers Discuss Cooperation and Business Opportunities for Agricultural Products

The president of the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA), Joao Martins, met with the Chinese Ambassador Yang Wanming and the Minister of Agriculture, Tereza Cristina, to discuss technological cooperation and the expansion of trade between the two countries. Mr. Martins spoke about the actions of the Confederation and the projects of CNA’s International […]


Brazilian Farmers Follow the Agriculture Discussions in the United States

      Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is in the United States on his first official visit to the country. On Tuesday he is expected to meet American president Donald Trump. In the midst of visits and meetings, an agenda particularly interests Brazilian farmers and ranchers: the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Tereza Cristina’s. Brazilian Farmers […]


Brazilian Farmers Hosts Debate of Women Acting in International Trade

The panel was promoted by Women Inside Trade (WIT) Women Inside Trade (WIT), a discussion forum for women engaged in international trade, promoted the panel “Trade Opening and New Perspectives for International Insertion in Brazil” at the Brazilian farmers’ home in Brasilia. The meeting, which takes place in the week of International Women’s Day, focused […]


Brazilian Famers attend Green Finance Conference in London

The Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and livestock of Brazil (CNA) took part in the Climate Bonds Initiative’s Annual Conference, March 5 to 7, in London. Climate Bonds Initiative, also known as CBI, is a global non-profit institution that fosters long-term funding for projects focused in environmental efficiency, such as carbon emissions reduction. The Conference brought […]


Climate Bonds Initiative and Agricultural Green Bonds market development in Brazil

Brazilian farmers seek alternatives to develop new instruments in the green securities market to finance low carbon projects. For that, the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA) held a meeting with the Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI) in Brasília. CBI is an international organization that works to promote long-term capital markets through “green” financial instruments, such as […]


Brazilian Farmers map technological solutions to agriculture

Brazilian Farmers launch a new project aimed at mapping technological solutions to agriculture. This is the second such initiative, which will encourage the development of the agtechs – startups dedicated to the rural sector. In 2018, the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA), along with a hub of innovation for sustainability and competitiveness of […]


Brazilian Farmers, Minister of Agriculture and Israeli Ambassador discuss actions for Brazil’s Northeastern region

The president of the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestockl (CNA), Mr. Joao Martins, met in Brasília with the Minister of Agriculture, Tereza Cristina, and the Ambassador of Israel to Brazil, Yossi Shelley, to discuss projects for a more effective use of water and the adoption of new technologies that leverage agricultural production in the […]


Macedonia and Brazil seek greater cooperation in agriculture

The Macedonian Ambassador to Brazil, Mr. Ivica Bocevski, and the President of the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA), Mr. Joao Martins, met in Brasilia to discuss cooperation opportunities between the two countries in the agricultural sector. It was the first official visit of the Ambassador to the house of Brazilian farmers and agriculture. […]


American and Japanese Students Learn About Brazilian Agriculture and Farmers’ Representation

Brasilia (01/30/2019) – A group of undergraduate exchange students from the universities of Tsukuba and Tokyo (Japan), Ohio State University (United States), and the University of Sao Paulo’s Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture (Esalq) visited the headquarters of the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA), home of the Brazilian farmers. Students from Japan, […]


Brazil’s agriculture continuous development: the first hundred billion in exports

The year of 2018 ended with excellent news for the Brazilian agricultural sector. For the first time in history exports surpassed US$ 100 billion, reflecting the economic strength and productive potential of the country’s agriculture. 2018 was also a year marked by complex challenges faced by the sector, such as the nationwide truck drivers’ strike, […]


How smart farming is helping Brazil feed the world

Brazilian farmers supply 23% of the world’s cattle. In the past, water scarcity has made it difficult to meet growing demand. But the sustainable recovery of degraded pastures and the implementation of Integrated Crop-Livestock-Forest Production System (ICLFS) have made the soil healthier, increasing yields while preventing soil’s exhaustion from one single product. Thanks to this […]


Success stories

FARMER TRAINING Success stories​ Higher yields in times of drought Marcos Antônio Duarte Madeiro from Jacaré dos Homens (Alagoas) The life of Marcos, a sixty-year-old farmer from Jacaré dos Homens in Alagoas, took on a new dimension in 2016 after he took part in the More Pasture Programme (Programa Mais Pasto). Marcos describes the course […]


A closer look at four of SENAR’s flagship training programmes

FARMER TRAINING A closer look at four of SENAR’sflagship training programmes Special programme ABC Cerrado Together with the agriculture ministry (MAPA) and Brazil’s agriculture research centre (Embrapa), Senar has developed the ABC Cerrado project to disseminate low-carbon farming practices and incentivise farmers and rural producers to invest in environmental preservation in the Cerrado, while receiving […]