Author: contato.lavanda



Here’s everything you need to know about Brazilian papaya

Papaya, one of the main fruits Brazil produces, consumes, and exports stands out as an essential pillar in the country’s agricultural economy. With its massive production and unmistakable flavor, the fruit takes a prominent place, especially in the states of Bahia, Espírito Santo, Ceará, and Rio Grande do Norte, being one of the main items […]



The expansion of BRICS beyond economic issues

In a year marked by highly significant geopolitical events, Brazil played a major role in one of them: the announcement of the expansion of the BRICS in the bloc’s 15th Summit held last August. In addition to Brazil, China, Russia, and South Africa, from 2024, Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab […]



Brazilian Farmers at COP 28: commitment and perspectives for a sustainable future

The 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) has proven to be a significant milestone for the global future, featuring urgent discussions of our collective destiny. In such a vital scenario, the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA) emerged as an essential part in shaping and debating the directions of agribusiness in creating global […]



Nurturing tradition in every bite with the golden grains of Brazilian corn

Nestled in the sun-kissed landscapes of Brazil, the story of the country’s corn unfolds quietly yet profoundly. This unassuming grain has seamlessly woven itself into the cultural fabric of Brazil, shaping not just its cuisine but also its traditions. Regarded as a vital commercial vegetable by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA), Brazilian corn reflects […]



Brazilian Farmers at COP 28: Facts about Brazilian Agriculture

In Dubai (United Arab Emirates), the world currently witnesses a landmark event, the 28th Conference of the Parties. The 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference, commonly known as COP28, is being held until December 12, 2023, at the Expo City, Dubai. Against the backdrop of this futuristic city, COP 28 is set to be the […]



Uniting against the imposition of rules

Brazil, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand have something in common besides their natural beauty. The four countries have a major role in international agricultural trade. Indonesia and Malaysia rank first and second in palm oil production. Thailand is the second largest producer of natural rubber and Brazil—besides being the third largest food exporter—tops the list of […]



Here’s everything you need to know about the Brazilian forestry legislation

Brazilian agriculture and livestock activities are committed to the strictest environmental legislation in the world, combined with a sustainable and robust energy transition, and the most ambitious low-carbon tropical agriculture policy. Although Brazil has very sophisticated laws to ensure forest preservation, we have gathered the main aspects of our Forest Code to make more people […]



COP28: Agriculture as a solution to climate challenges

The challenge of resuming economic growth while promoting food and energy security sets major challenges in fostering a more efficient and less greenhouse gas-emitting energy mix. This context imposes weighty commitments on all parties, but it also presents opportunities for countries like Brazil, a giant in terms of biodiversity and sustainability. This is particular in […]



Brazilian soybean: nurturing growth, shaping economies

In the 1960s, according to EMBRAPA, in the vast fields of Brazil’s agricultural heartland, a soybean seed blossomed into an agricultural powerhouse, leaving an indelible mark on the nation’s landscape and playing a key role in global markets. What initially functioned as a seasonal substitute for wheat has turned into a commercial giant, consolidating Brazil’s […]



Food Safety, Food Security, and the Fight against Climate Change. What is Brazil’s role in this game?

With an estimated global population of 9.7 billion people by 2050, according to the United Nations, the challenge of ensuring food security for this growing population takes on increasing significance. Given this demographic shift, comprehensive analyses are routinely performed to examine the causes and consequences of expanding production capacity and its associated environmental impacts. Additionally, […]



Jundiahy: The essence of outstanding Brazilian grapes

Jundiahy: The essence of outstanding Brazilian grapes In the heart of Brazil, a country celebrated for its thriving livestock industry, dairy production, and world-renowned cheese, lies a region with a special distinctive feature. Jundiahy, renowned for its fertile soil and favorable climate, has a longstanding reputation for growing some of the finest grape varieties in […]



Exploring the heartbeat of Brazil: the Press Trip unveils coffee marvels

This week, getting on board for an enlightening exploration, the Press Trip gathered a group of seasoned journalists and correspondents, all eager to reveal the secrets of Brazilian agriculture. This diverse team, representing various media outlets, dived deep into the heart of the country’s farming practices, focusing on the coffee industry’s rhythmic beat. Armed with […]



51 New Markets in 2023: How Brazil Is Diversifying Its Agribusiness Exports

From the beginning of 2023 until September, Brazil has reached 51 new markets for its agricultural products. The result, released by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, comes from the increasing diversification of Brazil’s agribusiness exports. Throughout the year, Brazil gained 22 new markets in the Americas, 14 in Asia, seven in Africa, four in […]



Brazilian agricultural exports reach US$ 15.4 billion in August 2023

The Brazilian agribusiness trade balance data for August show how our exports keep increasing year after year. In that month, the value of goods traded abroad reached US$ 15.4 billion, a 5.3% increase when compared to the same period in 2022. At the month’s end, agriculture and livestock products had a surplus of US$ 14 […]