Author: contato.lavanda



Low Carbon Agriculture: Pathways to a Sustainable Future in Brazilian Agriculture and Livestock

For at least a decade, implementing low-carbon agricultural practices in Brazil has been the basis for developing research, technical assistance, and incentive programs for increasingly sustainable, competitive, and resilient agricultural production. Established within the framework of the National Policy on Climate Change, the Sectoral Plan for Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change for Consolidating a […]



Brazilian Vanilla Meets French Pastries: A Cross-Continental Partnership

In the heart of Brazil’s Cerrado region, in Cocalzinho de Goiás city, a remarkable fusion of Brazilian agriculture and French pastries is taking shape. French chef and rural producer Daniel Briand is changing his local vanilla production with the support of Technical and Managerial Assistance (ATeG) from the National Rural Learning Service (SENAR), showing how […]



Innovation and Sustainability in Brazilian Livestock: Sustainable Pantanal Farm

Brazil, a country renowned worldwide for its vast biodiversity and robust agricultural sector, is taking another step toward sustainability and innovation with the Sustainable Pantanal Farm (Fazenda Pantaneira Sustentável – FPS) project. On the 1st edition of Pantanal Tech, held last June in Aquidauana, Mato Grosso do Sul state, FPS was acknowledged for its model […]



Innovation and Sustainability in Sugarcane Growing: The BRCana Method

EMBRAPA’s technology promotes water efficiency and climate resilience in sugarcane fields in the Cerrado biome To address the challenges of climate change, especially in long-cycle crops like sugarcane, the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) developed BRCana, an innovative technological package set to revolutionize sugarcane production in the Cerrado biome by promoting water efficiency and sustainability. […]



Brazilian Agribusiness Exports Reach US$82.39 Billion in the First Half of 2024

In the first half of 2024, Brazilian agribusiness exports reached an impressive US$ 82.39 billion, marking the second-highest worth in the historical series. This performance underscores the robust and competitive nature of Brazil’s agribusiness sector on the global stage. Key Sectors and Their Shares The following five sectors were pivotal in achieving these results: Soy […]



Celebrating the Importance of Brazilian Peanut: A Call for Recognition and Growth

Recently, Mônika Bergamaschi, Executive Director of the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA) Institute, highlighted the critical role of peanuts in Brazilian agriculture in a public hearing at the Committee on Agriculture, Livestock, Supply, and Rural Development of the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies. The debate, which also addressed the creation of a National Peanut […]



Pecan Nut Production in Brazil: Growth and Future Perspectives

Pecan nut production in Brazil has shown significant advancements in recent years, underscoring the importance of this crop in the national agricultural landscape. The state of Rio Grande do Sul leads the nation with an estimated production of 5,170 tons in 2023. The crop is spread across various state regions, with 1,502 pecan producers cultivating […]



Geographical Indications Platform for Coffee: A Milestone in Traceability and Appreciation of Brazilian Products

The digital platform for coffee Geographical Indications (GIs), developed through an initiative by the CNA Institute, has issued the first traceability labels for export. This innovative tool aims to revolutionize how Brazilian coffee is recognized and appreciated internationally. The coffees produced in the Mantiqueira de Minas region, acknowledged as a Designation of Origin (DO), were […]



Super Foods: Brazilian Farmers Innovate with Lentil and Chickpea Protein Concentrates

EMBRAPA, renowned for its pioneering role in Brazilian agricultural research, is launching its latest advancements: lentil and chickpea protein concentrates. These products not only heighten the protein standard in foods like burgers and plant-based beverages but also promote essential sustainable practices crucial for the future of food production. With an impressive 80% protein content in […]



Brazil defines guidelines for certifying low-carbon soybean

The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) has made progress in defining technical guidelines for the methodology certifying low-carbon soybean in Brazil. At the end of June, the document’s first version was published with the first principles for certifying the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction in farming systems that apply for the award. With certification, emission […]



Agro.BR Women: Expanding Horizons with a Technical Visit to Ceará

On June 27, a group of dedicated Brazilian farmers from the Agro.BR Women project undertook an insightful technical visit to the Pecém Port and Usibras Alimentos in Ceará state. This visit, organized by the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA), aimed to enhance their understanding of export processes and open new pathways for their products in […]



From Pacajus to the World: Suprema Caju’s Cashew Export with Agro.BR Support

Founded in 2008 and located in the traditional region of Pacajus in Ceará state, Suprema Caju is the result of George Marques’ entrepreneurship and his family’s tradition of more than 50 years in cashew growing. The company stands out for producing high-quality cashew nuts, using processes that ensure flavor and excellence. From planting to processing, […]



Brazilian farmers take part in a trade mission to Colombia

Thirteen Brazilian farmers went on a trade mission to Colombia in June. The itinerary included the Alimentec trade fair and an exclusive program to learn about the local market, including seminars, technical visits, and business rounds.The delegation represented the diversity of Brazilian rural production, including different sectors and foods such as manioc, cachaça, popcorn, beans, […]