Author: ana.clara.jabur



Brazilian Farmers get training to export bee products

Small and medium Brazilian rural entrepreneurs are increasingly empowered to export their products. This semester, due to the Agro.BR project, farmers from northern Minas Gerais (in Southeast Brazil) got more training to improve their products and reach new quality standards. A committee representing the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA) visited cooperatives oMinasf honey producers, […]



Coconut: the superfood for all seasons

Coconut is a fruit that reminds us of summer, the sun, and beaches. But in addition to being delicious and super refreshing, it brings numerous health benefits, in so many versions. That’s why its consumption should not be restricted to just one season! The coconut tree (Cocos nucifera) is a member of the palm tree […]



Brazilian agribusiness bridge builders

Brazil has an elite squad of 26 specialists around the world who work on behalf of the country’s agribusiness interests. They are the agricultural attachés, public servants linked to the Ministry of Agriculture and Supply (MAPA) who have the task of advocating and showing the world the excellence of Brazilian agriculture. They work on identifying […]



Learn more about the diversity of Brazilian watermelons

Healthy and delicious, watermelon is a superfood that surprises and delights people. The health benefits go further than its juicy hydration. The fruit contains vitamin A and vitamin C. It is usually eaten raw, and its rind is sometimes preserved as a pickle. This succulent fruit and vine-like plant of the gourd family (Cucurbitaceae) is […]



A trip is worth a thousand pictures

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a trip is worth a thousand pictures. This sentence reflects properly the feeling of a group of foreign diplomats who, at the invitation of the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA), spent four days learning about the agriculture and livestock sector in the Mato Grosso […]



Extension services can promote pasture restoration, shows Brazilian research

A Brazilian study on sustainable growth in the livestock sector is featured in the Journal of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS). Published in March, the paper provides evidence that extension services can promote pasture restoration in cattle ranching in Brazil. Read the full article here: […]

Cocoa & Chocolate


Brazilian fruit farming: diversity and sustainability to feed Brazil and the world

A testament to the country’s rich biodiversity and culture, Brazilian fruit farming is based on three pillars of sustainability (environmental, economic, and social), preserving biodiversity, creating jobs and promoting regional development. Favourable climate and soil conditions allow Brazil to enjoy a great variety of fruit all year round, ranging from oranges, bananas, melons and mangos, […]



Brazilian tropical flavor in a bite

One of the world’s top fruit and sugar cane exporters, Brazil has a long and respectable tradition of satisfying the most avid ones for sweets. Tropical fruits bring vibrancy, passion, and intense flavors to the sweeter side of our cuisine. The diversity of sweets expanded during the colonial period (1500-1822) in line with the growth […]



In Brazil, sugar cane is a crop with multiple tastes

Sugar cane is grown virtually anywhere in the world’s tropics and subtropical regions, especially in Brazil. In 2020, the global production of sugar cane was 1.87 billion tonnes, with the country producing 40% of the world’s total. Sugar cane accounts for 79% of sugar produced globally—most of the rest is extracted from sugar beets. While […]



Brazilian grapes are ready to conquer the world

With each passing day, Brazilian grapes are reaching new markets and gaining more and more appreciation worldwide. At a crop value of US$ 155.9 million in 2021, growers shipped more than 76.6 thousand tons of the fruit abroad, an increase of 55.6%. This continuous growth is due to the significant expansion process which began in […]



The next AgroBrazil exchange program takes place in Mato Grosso state

From March 28 to April 1, the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA) and the Mato Grosso State Federation of Agriculture and Livestock (FAMATO) will promote, in Mato Grosso, the 7th edition of the AgroBrazil Exchange Program. During the program, which will last five days, representatives of 11 embassies in Brazil will learn about […]