Tag: ice tea



Revisiting yerba mate, South America’s heritage

Almost 20 years ago, Ludmila Gallon took the National Rural Learning Service’s (SENAR) course about yerba mate and was delighted. It all happened after she moved to Ilópolis, a city known for the plant’s high level of production. Its name derives from “Ilex paraguariensis” (the scientific name of yerba mate), and “polis” (“city,” in Greek); […]



Yerba mate, a precious herb from the South of Americas to the world

Almost 15 years ago, Ariana Maia, a geographer from Rio de Janeiro, moved to Ilópolis, a small town in the South of Brazil. Unlike most of her new neighbors, Ariana was not familiar with chimarrão, a local infusion highly consumed in the region. For generations, her husband’s family grew yerba mate, the medicinal plant used […]