Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock Empowers Artisanal Producers Aiming International Markets


The Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA) is changing how Brazilian artisanal producers access international markets through its Artisanal and Traditional Foods Program. This initiative is part of the Agro.BR Project, in partnership with ApexBrasil, and aims to identify and harness the potential of Brazilian artisanal products by providing specialized export training.

The project has proven to be a game-changer for producers seeking to expand their operations globally. “This joint effort shows that artisanal producers can indeed explore export opportunities. It provides another path for trading their products,” says Rodrigo da Matta, CNA’s Commercial Promotion Coordinator.

Success stories from the program include Remedin Cachaça, Capolivo Olive Oil, Herança do Cerro Olive Oil, and Majucau Chocolate, whose experiences highlight the potential of Brazilian artisanal products on the global stage.

Change and Growth

Remedin Cachaça, produced by João Chaves Marques Faria, saw significant business growth after participating in the CNA Brasil Artesanal Award 2022, where the product won a silver medal in the Cachaça de Alambique category. “Participating in the award was a major turning point for our silver cachaça. It used to account for 8% of our revenue and now reaches 38%. The award revolutionized our business,” Faria shares. Since then, the cachaçaria has benefited from Agro.BR’s international market training and consulting services.

Capolivo Olive Oil, produced by Rachel Capoani, experienced significant growth as well. Her product won the top prize in the Monovarietal category at the CNA Brasil Artesanal Award 2023. Rachel emphasizes that “Participating in the award was a strategic and emotionally significant decision. The program provides the knowledge and tools to ensure our oils meet international standards, which is crucial for our production’s future.”

Mariana Basaure’s Majucau Chocolate gained market visibility after winning the CNA Brasil Artesanal Award 2019. “The recognition gave us huge market visibility. The gold seal on our packaging brought credibility and prominence to our products,” Basaure states. The initiative has been instrumental in preparing the producer for internationalization, including participation in trade shows and gaining global recognition.
Ondina Maria Becker’s Herança do Cerro Olive Oil also benefited from the program. With a second-place award in the Blend category in 2023, Becker noted a boost in her product’s value. “The support we received helps us align our products with international standards and develop a solid export plan,” she explains.

Recognition and Opportunities

CNA’s Technical Advisor, Fernanda Regina, highlights that the CNA Brasil Artesanal Award is essential for recognizing and valuing small and medium Brazilian producers. “One of our unique aspects is the public jury phase, which brings high-quality products directly to the end consumer,” Regina notes.

Agro.BR trains producers and supports them throughout the export process, from awareness and training to support in overseas offices. With 1,443 participants from all Brazilian states, the project aims to increase and diversify Brazil’s export portfolio.