Brazilian Farmers combining technique and technology to analyze and enhance their products


The Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA) has been at the forefront of integrating techniques and technology for analyzing agricultural products. One of the latest advancements was a molecular analyzer imported from Singapore, capable of providing detailed information on foods such as coffee, olive oil, honey, and cocoa. The technical jury phase at the CNA Artisanal Prize used this device for evaluating coffees.

Cutting-edge technology in coffee analysis
The analyzer functions by emitting infrared rays that interact with coffee beans. When these rays are reflected to the sensor, it captures specific data describing the molecular aspects of the product. This results in a unique “fingerprint” for each coffee sample, which is then sent to an analysis platform.

Market identification, differentiation, and defects management
Using Artificial Intelligence (AI), this platform analyzes the characteristics of coffee samples and aids in determining the most suitable markets for rural producers. Thus, coffee can be targeted toward consumers more likely to appreciate it, increasing its commercial success.
In addition to the initial analysis, the machine can work with a specific algorithm to distinguish high-quality coffees from those with defects such as mold and sourness. This tool will be crucial for technical and managerial assistance, providing precise data for producers to correct issues in the next harvests. Furthermore, the analyzer provides several essential information, such as intensity, quality, score, humidity, and flavor notes of the coffee. These data are essential for adding value to the final product, allowing rural producers to obtain higher revenue and recognition for their work.

Focus on delivering excellence
By providing detailed and precise information, we empower rural producers, helping them reach more lucrative markets and continuously improve the quality of their products. This innovation not only strengthens the agricultural sector but also ensures the delivery of excellent products to consumers.