Representatives from the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock and Congresspeople Discuss Sustainable Agriculture with FAO in Rome


This Monday (27), representatives from the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA) and congresspeople met Carla Barroso, Ambassador of Brazil’s Permanent Delegation to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), as well as FAO directors, in Rome, Italy.
The meeting is part of the CNA’s mission in Europe, aimed at promoting the interests of Brazilian farmers and showcasing the sustainable practices of Brazilian agriculture and livestock production. The delegation’s agenda extends through Friday (31) and includes meetings in Brussels and Paris.
The Brazilian delegation includes Gedeão Pereira, CNA Vice President of International Relations and President of Sistema FARSUL (RS); Marcelo Bertoni, President of FAMASUL (MS) and member of the ApexBrasil Deliberative Council; Sueme Mori, CNA Director of International Relations; Bruno Lucchi, CNA Technical Director; and members of the Parliamentary Agriculture Front (FPA), Deputy Pedro Lupion (President) and Senator Tereza Cristina.

Advancing Agricultural Metrics and Climate Discussions

During a meeting with FAO’s Statistics Division, the delegation discussed how the Organization collects, validates, and disseminates data on fertilizers, pesticides, land use, and agricultural and livestock production.
Sueme Mori emphasized the issue of improving Brazil’s engagement with FAO metrics and indicators. “One of our goals is to ensure these indicators reveal the reality of Brazilian agriculture, considering the country’s tropical climate,” she said.
The delegation also met FAO Deputy Director-General Godfrey Magwenzi and directors specializing in livestock, climate, and biodiversity. Key topics included FAO’s role in COP 30 and the inclusion of agriculture in global climate discussions.
According to FAO representatives, agriculture is often missing or negatively portrayed in international climate negotiations. The organization highlighted the need to strengthen the sector’s role by using a science-based narrative that positions food systems as part of the solution to climate challenges.

Strengthening Global Partnerships

On the same day, the Brazilian delegation engaged in conversations with ambassadors from South Africa, Guatemala, France, and the UK diplomatic representative.

About FAO

FAO is a specialized United Nations agency leading global efforts to eradicate hunger and poverty. The Organization is a world leader in statistical data on agriculture, food security, and the environmental impacts of agri-food systems.